Consolidated Planning Primer
Live Online
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
October 7 - 11, 2024
2:00 - 4:30 pm Eastern Time each day
This course provides an overview of Consolidated Planning for CDBG grantees and HOME participating jurisdictions. It covers the Citizen Participation Plan, the public input consultation requirements, and the preparation of the plan. It will also touch on how to address equity and inclusion in the process. Most importantly, it helps communities understand their responsibilities regarding the use of federal funds. This course is appropriate for anyone who works on preparing the Consolidated/Annual Plans, or who works with CDBG or HOME funding.
Group Discount - You are also encouraged to invite the future leaders on your staff to participate in this great training experience too! NCDA's courses provide early-career professionals and emerging leaders with the tools they need to build their skills. As an added bonus, register yourself and at least four of your colleagues together on this form for a 15% discount off your registration fees. The discount will automatically be taken on registrations on this form of 4 or more people.